Danny is JMT Warana's intern coach.
After six years in the UK military, Danny decided to join the ambulance service as he had a genuine want to help people. Unfortunately, due to healthcare not being in the best state back in England, where medical services where understaffed and underfunded, emergency response staff ended up waiting in hospital corridors with patients due to non-stop overload conditions, rather than being out in the field, saving more lives and helping people in need.
As with many Brits, Australia beckoned, and Danny decided to make the move from the UK.
From 16 years of age, fitness has been number one for Danny, and he's got deep experience in the bodybuilding style of training because it spoke to his personal strengths of discipline and dedication, just like in his defence role. Over time and as his experience grew around a gym environment, Danny also started to realise that he had collected a lot of knowledge, through many different trial and error attempts at training styles, programmes and diets but also coupled with his constant desire to help people. This led to his lightbulb moment: his love of training and his love of helping people could be satisfied in coaching and training in the gym environment.